The Foolproof Diet

Adenir Fontoura

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Losing weight is probably one of the things most Americans are concerned with. The obesity epidemic is rampant and can cause a lot of people to have many health issues and other difficulties. Weight loss has become more and more important, not just as a beauty standard or trend, but because it can be so dangerous to live your life on processed foods. Processed foods are probably one of the leading killers of people who suffer from obesity in North America.
There are so many dangers to processed foods. For example, they are full of hidden fats and sugars. The ingredients and processed foods are highly unnatural. They can contribute to several health problems, including hypertension and diabetes. If you try to go through the shelves in a grocery store and avoid high fructose corn syrup, but you’ll probably find that it is nearly impossible. High fructose corn syrup is very unhealthy could be considered just another way of saying pure sugar. Except, this type of sugar is more difficult for you to get rid of in your body.
Everybody is looking for a miracle cure when it comes to weight loss. It can be very easy to gain weight and very difficult to get rid of it once it’s there. When this is the case, it can become almost impossible, or so it feels, to get back to the state of being that you want to be in. Our bodies can be viewed as instruments that’s are molded and shaped by our habits and behaviors. For any diet to work, you have to first change yourself and your outlook. Only then will you be able to stay consistent with the effort that makes it possible to actually lose weight and stay on the proper diet plan.
Becoming malnourished is actually very simple, whether you are being fed every day or not. When we eat, the foods that sustain us are usually junk foods, and they will keep us alive. At least in the short term. However, in the long term, it will shorten your lifespan because you are not eating foods that are nourishing to your body. Without the proper vitamins and minerals, you will ultimately find that you are sluggish and weak, and have a difficult time concentrating. That’s because you are not being nourished, and nutritional deficiencies can cause a whole slew of health problems that are highly dangerous and can ultimately interfere with your quality of life.
So how can you possibly begin to lose weight and provide yourself with this sustenance that you need to thrive, rather than simply float on by in your life? By following the guidelines of the Foolproof diet, you will ultimately find that you are taking the steps that need to be taken in order to develop a healthy lifestyle that will provide you with the energy you need in order to continue to burn calories and make weight loss a success. Even if you aren’t simply trying to lose weight and just want to create a better lifestyle for yourself, the Foolproof diet will give you all the information that you need in order to begin changing your life, starting right now.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Tracking Your Current Diet

Chapter 2: Starting a Food Journal

Chapter 3:Getting Ridof Problem Foods

Chapter 4: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Chapter 5: Combining Exercise for Best Results

Chapter 6: Creating a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss

Chapter 7:Introducing Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss

Chapter 8: TheImportance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Chapter 9: Lean Meats and Healthy Protein Sources

Chapter 10: Planning Meals and Other Tips and Tricks


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